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Acceptance No. Drug Name Active Ingredient Dosage Form Classification Submission Acceptance Date Manufacturers Manufacturers Review Status Status Date View
CSL00058 吸附A群脑膜炎球菌多糖-破伤风类毒素结合疫苗 Other Biological Products(2) New Drug Application 2000-10-18 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2001-09-14 view
CSS00086 流行性感冒灭活疫苗 Other Biological Products(3) New Drug Application 2000-10-18 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2001-08-24 view
CSS00091 人用狂犬病纯化疫苗(Vero细胞) Other Biological Products(2) New Drug Application 2000-11-17 武汉生物制品研究所长春生物制品研究所兰州生物制品研究所 Certificate Issued 2001-12-19 view
CSB01008 重组人干扰素α2a栓 recombinant human interferon α2a Suppository Biological Products(2) Supplementary Application 2001-02-27 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2009-11-11 view
CSS01045 双价肾综合征出血热灭活疫苗(GHKC) Other Biological Products(3) New Drug Application 2001-09-28 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2002-08-29 view
CSS01046 双价肾综合征出血热纯化疫苗(GHKC) Other Biological Products(3) New Drug Application 2001-09-28 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2002-07-19 view
CSS01062 人用狂犬病纯化疫苗(Vero细胞) Other Biological Products(2) New Drug Application 2001-11-23 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2002-07-10 view
CSL20020009 流行性感冒裂解疫苗 Influenza Vaccine(Split Virion),Inactivated Injection Biological Products(4) New Drug Application 2002-02-23 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2002-06-13 view
CSL20020013 森林脑炎纯化疫苗 Tick-borne Encephalitis inactivated vaccine Injection Biological Products(2) New Drug Application 2002-03-18 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2002-06-17 view
FX20020110 输血用2号抗凝液 Injection Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
FX20020109 输血用2号抗凝液 Injection Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
FX20020114 输血用1号抗凝液 Injection Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
FX20020113 输血用1号抗凝液 Injection Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
FX20020112 输血用2号抗凝添加液 Other Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
FX20020111 输血用2号抗凝添加液 Other Chemical Drugs Generic Drug 2002-04-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2003-01-29 view
CSb20020082 重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗 Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine(CHO Cell) Injection Biological Products(1) Supplementary Application 2002-07-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Certificate Issued 2002-10-18 view
CSB20020081 重组(CHO细胞)乙型肝炎疫苗 Recombinant Hepatitis B Vaccine(CHO Cell) Injection Biological Products Other 2002-07-01 长春生物制品研究所 Changchun Lnstitute of Biological Products Co Ltd Approval Completed-Pending Certificated 2002-09-11 view
CSS20020031 重组人α2b干扰素注射液 Recombinant Human Interferon α2b Injection Biological Products(4) New Drug Application 2002-07-10 长春生物制品研究所吉林省宝邑生物技术有限责任公司古巴海波尔生物技术公司 Certificate Issued 2004-04-02 view
CSS20020032 重组人α2b干扰素注射液 Recombinant Human Interferon α2b Injection Biological Products(4) New Drug Application 2002-07-10 长春生物制品研究所吉林省宝邑生物技术有限责任公司古巴海波尔生物技术公司 Certificate Issued 2004-04-02 view
CSS20020059 重组人干扰素α2a软膏 recombinant human interferon α2a Ointment Biological Products(4) New Drug Application 2002-10-09 长春生物制品研究所长春生物高技术应用研究所 Certificate Issued 2003-11-24 view